Investing in digital currencies for the best profit in 2024
Golden bitcoin coin over defocused stock chart with copy space, Olsztyn, Poland 13 July 2021

Investing in digital currencies for the best profit in 2024

Hello, how are you before I share with you the projects that I expect will have a good rise in the bullpen, God willing? You must listen to me today so that you can determine whether investing or trading suits you.

What I mean? 

What I mean is that some peopleyou see as strong traders, others you see as investors who only trade, and others, and they are many, you see.

They trade and invest at the same time, and there is a lost group in the middle who does not know whether to trade or invest, and this loss is a natural thing that happens. Of course, I will not go into the reasons so that we do not expand further today, but today’s video will solve this problem specifically.

You can ask two questions: The first is why I am talking about this. The topic is before I give you the names of the projects, and this thing is for a simple reason, which is that not everyone can be an investor, and not everyone can be a

not expand further today, but today’s video will solve this problem specifically.

You can ask two questions: The first is why I am talking about this.

The topic is before I give you the names of the projects, and this thing is for a simple reason, which is that not everyone can be an investor, and not everyone can be a trader.

I will tell you why, and I will give you the solution in brief. The second question you can ask is why I learn at all.

I can listen to someone who understands this field. He advises me. In currency or enter a currency recommendations group and buy currencies and be patient with them and sell them when their price rises and profit dear, if this thing works, I would not have seen many people help, angry and losing.

Firstly, you need to pay expensive subscriptions to these recommendations groups, and secondly, believe me, without knowledge of this field, even simple knowledge of certain matters, you will lose your money.

And this is what happens to the majority. Ok, let’s start with the investment side.

Who is fit to be an investor?

The answer, of course, will make you despair and say, Okay, I don’t want to invest, and I do n’t want to learn.

 Listen to me until the end

I will give you the solution that satisfies you. Do not become Abbas in a hurry. First of all, whoever is fit for investment must have knowledge of things. The following are technical basics, just the basics.

I mean, because without understanding their meaning, you will be surprised by the behavior of this market and currency projects in general, and you will be upset and sell at a loss.

Secondly, knowledge of the general terms used in this field and understanding their meanings and their relationship with each other.

Let me give you an example, and so on. Each one of these you must know its meaning and know.

The interconnection between them and what picture does it give you so that you can decide whether to invest in this project or not? Ok, how do you learn it and how do you analyze it? You may feel despair after hearing this, but believe me, my friend, we will explain it to you, but be patient with us, and when we explain it to you, you will see how simple it is. We have prepared a course for you in cooperation.

With my friend Ahmed from the channel, he literally makes you depend on this as a source of income. I will suffice with this talk for now. Thirdly, knowledge of the behavior of the digital currency market and the reason for the extreme fluctuations in the price

Fourthly, knowledge of how to conduct a comprehensive search on Google before you enter the project. Fifthly, you must have the patience to invest. It depends on the factor of time, and time equals patience. There is a non-chronic medical condition called Abbas.

What afflicts Abbas is necessary to treat?

If you become Abbas the Urgent, it means you will fail. As an investor, discipline in your investment centers is the most important factor for profit. If you fail in this thing, you will continue to lose. The course you are working on will benefit you very, very much. By clarifying all these matters, God willing, last but not least, and this is an important point, that you have a basic job that will provide you with a continuous and stable financial income, for example, a job or freelance work.

After we complete today’s video, I will talk about the topic of building the investment portfolio and the way to manage it in all circumstances, and this is one of the most important factors that avoids you. Huge losses. We move to the trading side.

Who is fit to be a trader?

The points I mentioned a while ago about investment all include trading as well, but there are other important things that you must ensure are present in order to be a trader.

Firstly, as a trader, you must know how to deal with the platforms, buy and sell orders, and the platform’s applications and services well.

Secondly, it is necessary. You have knowledge, even if it is simple, in reading and analyzing charts. I will provide you with a video link in the description regarding an issue that is very easy to read.

It is important that you watch it or this video with 99% certainty.

It will make you love trading and reading charts and want to learn it.

It is a video by my friend Ahmed from the Third channel. You must have time and free time.

For trading, because trading is serious and considering it a source of income to live from requires that you remain constantly monitored.

This means that you consider it your job that you must master.

Do not say, “I cannot do it and I do not have time.” Is it useful to say, “I want a salary to live off of,” and they keep you busy with a job that you do not know anything about, and you will not accept that there are working hours because You get tired of doing the same thing.

Trading this will become your job, and there is no work that is tiring.

Even if it is simple, it means you will not sit down, and Abbas, who is in a hurry, comes with a voice in his hand and whips you on the back or stones you.

It is normal fatigue, meaning you bear it for the sake of money.

What is this laziness?

The important thing is fourthly, that you have a steady income that compensates you in In the case of loss, because trading has a higher rate of risk and loss than investment, you must begin with a source of income that will support you for a period until you collect a large amount, for example, from trading and can rely on this instead of your fixed salary from your primary work.

Ok, now who is not fit to be an investor or A trader who is not suitable for investment or trading is, firstly, the one who is in a hurry and has no patience.

Secondly, the person who does not have a job that provides him with a fixed financial income on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.

Thirdly, and this point is very important, the amount that you decide to invest or trade with, this amount must be from money.

You will not need it in this short period of time.

It is money that you are ready to literally forget, and if you lose it, a financial catastrophe will not befall you that will destroy your life. Why, because as soon as you bought for an amount, for example, 2000 dollars, after a few seconds, you will see that the two thousand has become 1900, and it will begin to decrease, and you will receive it after four hours, for example, and you will get it back after a few seconds. Five hours you will see it for 1800 and so on.

Therefore, if this amount is what you need, it will not be useful for you to use it neither for investment nor for trading, because if you decide to withdraw it at any moment you need it, you will not withdraw it itself.

Two thousand dollars is the same as the first time you invested it, it may be less and it will be the time for you to exit the investment. Or trade or deal at the wrong time and it will be considered a fourth loss if you say I don’t have time. Of course, I don’t mean people who have a family, a job, responsibilities, and things that pressure them against their will. A big salute to these heroes. I don’t mean them at all.

Last but not least, if you are a person who refuses to learn, let us explain this point clearly.

Without compliments, if you refuse to invest in yourself, your self, which is the thing you are supposed to care about the most, it means that you will fail in any investment you make in life.

The first investment begins with investing in yourself, in your health, in your mentality, in your entire life. If you have time, posts and comments of temptations on Facebook, soap operas and cafes.

And Tik Tok means you have time, but you are lazy and you do not want to learn, because you want something easy that will come to you on a silver platter.

If you depend on Mu’anis for currency recommendations, a day will come when I leave this field and get busy with myself, and others also leave, and so the day will come when you will be left alone, whereas if you were a dependent person.

In this case, you will enjoy financial freedom.

What is the solution for a person who is not fit to be an investor or trader?

The solution is to love yourself and invest in yourself and start learning.

You just learn. Ok, now we want to know what are the positives of investing and trading in digital currencies.

We start with the positives first, any amount no matter what it is.

It is simple, even if a hundred dollars can be converted into a thousand dollars, and a thousand can be converted into ten thousand and so on.

Secondly, the fees are very small compared to investing or trading in stocks, which requires you to deal with banks whose fees are very high.

Thirdly, the liquidity is very high. Any currency you buy can be sold in an instant, in one second, as soon as you… The currency is offered for sale in the same second, and you will see it sold, unlike the stocks. Fourth, the digital currency market is available for trading and investment 24 hours a day and night.

Whenever you decide to buy and sell, you will see the market open through the platform. Your transactions are done normally.

In this case, you can take advantage of times of rising and falling prices.

Fifth, privacy when you buy currencies.

Even if you delete the platform or wallet that contains your currencies, your currencies will not be lost because you have your own keys that you can open from anywhere and buy and sell currencies normally, meaning no one will know what you are buying and what you own.

 What we heard now is very nice, but are there any negatives to investment trading?

The first negative. It is the extreme fluctuations in the price.

The digital currency market may fall and rise significantly and in a short time as soon as positive or negative news appears.

Secondly, there is no regulation of digital currencies, although regulation by countries would aim to enslave and not organize chaos to protect people, but this is the reality of the market.

Digital currencies are full of scams and fake projects. Is this free poetry? Thirdly, the taxation. The digital currency market, as we said, gives people high privacy. Therefore, it is very difficult for countries to track people’s money, how much they earned from this currency, and how much they lost. Fourthly, safety and support on platforms or digital currency projects.

Platforms All digital currencies are vulnerable to hacking, and this is a natural thing, but support is the problem if you face a technical problem or lose your money.

There is no way to communicate with most digital currency projects and even the platforms.

The support in them is very good and very bad at the same time for many because the field itself is so complex that it is difficult even to… The support department in the platforms helps you in many cases.

Fifth, the field is new, very complex, and constantly expanding. This thing prevents many from even trying to learn the field.

Therefore, they rely on other people called digital currency experts or analysts, and the beginner ends up falling into the hands of scammers who steal their money or ignorant people who claim They don’t understand this field and they are wasting their money. My dears, everything has become clear now. It’s all fine. I see you well. It’s over.


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